675 results for black power
Black Power
Black Power There has been surprisingly little analysis in Britain of the events in Washington leading up to both houses of Congress overriding the president's veto of the sanctions bill. The great model
Marxism Today November 1986
Black Hair/Style Politics
hair-styles that would correspond to a 'positive' black self-image or a politically 'healthy' state of black subjectivity But by reiterating the 1960s slogan - Black Is Beautiful - it implied that hair-styles which avoid…gained influence in the 1960s when the Afro hair-style emerged as a symbol of Black Pride and Black Power. However, by regarding one's hair-style as directly 'expressive' of one's political awareness…these styles contributed to the increasing visibility of BLACK HAIR/STYLE POLITICS
New Formations Number 3 Winter 1987
Women in The Mainstream
and I came into mainstream politics through black politics and the black power movement in America. I became involved in forming pressure groups. And then I joined…political party or in a trade union, politics is about power and about change. I came into the Labour Party via the black power movement which was about breaking into the power structure…Gaynor: i came into mainstream politics through black politics and the black power move¬ ment in America.'
Marxism Today November 1986
Down in the Old Bailey cells, prison officers call it “the Black Power Trial”, and talk about the Nine as “the Black Power Mob”. Even the Times o f November 13 headlined its court report…Black Power Case”
7 Days Wednesday 1 December, 1971 Vo 1, No 6
thinking of making a film on our people, man, an if you start coming all this Black Power business, he am might not go through with it. Z. Ye mother ass, yer mother…brother too. SUE. Oh. P. Oh. (Talking to C. aside) Is he one of the Black Power Mob? C. (loudly) Why don’t you ask him yerself? Z. Ask me what, what he want…wants to know if you are one of the Black Power Mob. Z. Ha. Ha. Yer man, I turn on to Black Power, that’s my bag, that’s my thing, like you know, that
7 Days Wednesday 26 January 1972 No 13
Home News
Pulley said that he didn’t like Critchlow and that Critchlow had “had relations with the Black Power movement.” Radford Howe, defending himself, crossexamined Pulley. Pulley agreed that he had said that anyone who went…Rogers on the stand. Howe questioned Rogers about his assertions that Howe was involved in “ the Black Power movement.” Roger s identified his source for this as “information I 'v e received” but admitted that…know, Mr Howe, when you see m e you put your hand up in a salute — Black Power. Howe: You didn’t put that in your statement. I suggest to you, officer, that I ignore
7 Days Wednesday 3 November 1971 Vol 1, No 2
Foreign News:
October, she undertook a gruelling schedule of public speak ing appointments, interviews and discussions with the Black Community. When she talked to 7 Days, we asked her about Angela’s trial. “Angela…nothing less than the same type of justice Black people have been getting for years.” O n the question of Black Male chauvinism and anti-Semitism, she said: “You have to remember that when Stokely…will usher in a South African type o f oppression: “The (Black) Movement here is not just on a Black Power level, not just talking about Black people freeing themselves. It’s getting much more
7 Days Wednesday 27 October 1971 Vol. 1, No. 1
Hidden struggles
idea that while black men are a threat to white men and women, black women are more acceptable. Black women's advancement is never seen as beneficial to the black community as a whole. Conservative…They are threatened with extinction. A successful black woman without a successful black man has nothing to be proud of'.1 The argument that black men are under attack is given further support by evidence…feature of black nationalist ideologies of the 1960s, and led to the alienation of many black women from organisations such as RAAS, and Black Power groups in Britain, as well as the Black Panthers
Soundings soundings issue 10 Autumn 1998
Hidden Struggles: Black Women's Activism and Black Masculinity in the Shadow of the Windrush
idea that while black men are a threat to white men and women, black women are more acceptable. Black women's advancement is never seen as beneficial to the black community as a whole. Conservative…They are threatened with extinction. A successful black woman without a successful black man has nothing to be proud of'.1 The argument that black men are under attack is given further support by evidence…feature of black nationalist ideologies of the 1960s, and led to the alienation of many black women from organisations such as RAAS, and Black Power groups in Britain, as well as the Black Panthers
Soundings Issue 10, Autumn 1997
I Want The Black One: Is There A Place For Afro-American Culture In Commodity Culture?
New Formations Number 10 Spring 1990
Apartheid's Crumbling Bastions
triangle townships, one of them Sharpeville, the scene of South Africa's most notorious shooting of unarmed black protesters. House-to-house searches led to 358 arrests. In response to these measures, the trade unions…able to operate legally for many years. But when the regime cracked down on most black political organisations in 1960-1, the ANC went underground and turned to armed struggle. While the ANC must…shift of position in the section of the African community, led by Steve Biko, which advocated black power and black consciousness in the late 1970s, and rejected collaboration with other ethnic
Marxism Today September 1985
King's Radical Legacy
Martin Luther King Jr was neither the reincarnation of Lenin, nor the capitulating reformist, stifling the developing black liberation movement. Considering his last acts - his adoption of a class analysis of social issues, his commitment…considering the exigencies of black power and the black liberation movement - particularly the militant legacy of Malcolm X - King's shift is understandable
Marxism Today April 1988
Whites Drift Right
elections will also be held on september 6 for the 80 no prospect of change for the blacks with no votes in the squatter camps (mdm) has not called for a boycott of the white elections as such, but some white liberals, to the distress of the dp, have announced their intention to stay away from the polls. the conservatives, already the official opposition party, hope to double their 22 seats and then start inviting defections from the ne aware of this possibility, the democratic party (dp) believes the np will then have to approach it for a pact.
Marxism Today September 1989
Black Sections
IQBAL WAHHAB and MARC WADSWORTH Black Sections It was most timely of Marxism
Marxism Today October 1984
Journey To Pretoria interview with Jonathan Steele
now the resistance on the side of the people is being sustained by a combination of factors: the mood of confidence in the ultimate outcome, to which i've alluded; the mass organised forces which have emerged on the ground at community level, and regionally and nationally in powerful mass organisations such as the south african congress of trade unions (sactu) and the united democratic front (udf); the increased strength of the anc presence, including the anc political underground; and the escalation in the recent period of armed blows which have had an enormous inspirational impact on the people, particularly the youth. What is the role of the party, given that many other liberation movements have been successful without the need for a separate party? 'there's an army of thousands ready to respond and act in all the main black areas in the towns and villages' the answer in one sentence is because there is a need in south africa to work for the ultimate achievement of a socialist south africa.
Marxism Today December 1986
Metisse Narratives
black man'. So, she made it sound so disgusting and she never ever ever took me out after that. She never did. If I had been black rather than half-black I'd either have…Rastafarian. She sees herself as a 'light-skinned black' woman, and yet certain members of both black and white communities refuse to accept her as black. Consequently, most of Akousa's commentaries on her emergent…years to reconcile that. Because of what happened in the 1970s in terms of the Black Power movement, especially in this country, if you weren't black like ebony then you just didn't have
Soundings soundings issue 5 Spring 1997
Metisse Narratives
black man'. So, she made it sound so disgusting and she never ever ever took me out after that. She never did. If I had been black rather than half-black I'd either have…Rastafarian. She sees herself as a 'light-skinned black' woman, and yet certain members of both black and white communities refuse to accept her as black. Consequently, most of Akousa's commentaries on her emergent…years to reconcile that. Because of what happened in the 1970s in terms of the Black Power movement, especially in this country, if you weren't black like ebony then you just didn't have
Soundings Issue 5, Spring 1997
Abortion Newsreel Review
(abse) politics of abortion apart from the immediate necessity to defeat restrictive legislations (and aside from the internal politics of nac) feminists see the issue of abortion necessarily in terms of the separation of sex from reproduction and the control of women over their own fertility, particularly as these relate to working-class women. Is this likely to engage the support of people who are not yet committed to the campaign? within the film, opposition to the issue of abortion is focussed onto spuc and its supporters, but there are many other people who are neither spuc-ites nor revolutionary socialists and who remain disturbed by the demand for free abortion.
Red Rag Volume 10
Apartheid's deepening crisis
what has not changed thus, while it is necessary to recognise the importance of the changed conditions of the struggles of the black workers — the new possibilities for the organisation of black workers and the space for trade union struggles and the further differentiation, in terms of skills, of the black working class — at the same time it is of the utmost importance to place these changes in the context of the expansion of the apparatuses of coercion and the accompanying intensification of repression of black people, the application and further development of the measures of control of urban blacks, and of rural-urban migration of blacks workers, the deprivation of blacks (mainly workers) of south african citizenship, the continued elaboration (albeit with changes) of laws applying specifically to black workers and so on. the basis of the argument that there has been a major restructuring of white classes is that the economic interests of afrikaner capital and its former allies among the afrikaner people are now so divergent that, in the common interests of all fractions of monopoly capital, afrikaner capital's former allies must be abandoned — this is necessary because the 'reforms' that monopoly capital requires (a skilled, stable, black labour force etc) contradicts the interests of the white subordinate classes and can only be secured for the blacks at the expense of the white workers.
Marxism Today January 1983
In praise of gender confusion
We need to extend the by-now conventional insight that gender confusion lies behind gender certainty to see that gender certainty lies behind gender confusion. Soundings issue 2 spring 1996 in praise of gender confusion andrew samuels not being certain of your gender is less of a problem than being too certain, argues jungian analyst andrew samuels most people are wary now of anyone who seems too settled and sure in their gender identity and gender role.
Soundings soundings issue 2 Spring 1996
In Praise of Gender Confusion
We need to extend the by-now conventional insight that gender confusion lies behind gender certainty to see that gender certainty lies behind gender confusion. Soundings issue 2 spring 1996 in praise of gender confusion andrew samuels not being certain of your gender is less of a problem than being too certain, argues jungian analyst andrew samuels most people are wary now of anyone who seems too settled and sure in their gender identity and gender role.
Soundings Issue 2, Spring 1996
Black Sections: Radical Demand…or Distraction? (A roundtable discussion)
black sections, what are you doing brother?' I want to get down to the basics of building black organisations that can put real pressure on Labour Parties. Let's have black MPs and black councillors…that the real problem is maintaining the momentum of the black struggle then I can see that black sections are a distraction. But if you are concerned, and I am concerned, about the question…Englishmen standing at the doors of the cinema checking tickets, he said 'this is the real black power. You yourselves mobilised, and now these Englishmen are working as employees of black organisations.' We must have
Marxism Today September 1985
The Quality of Mersey
message afterward.' The continuity, the persistence, of his themes can be seen by comparing the Black Stuff scenes in the DHSS office, with those written over half a century ago about the board of guardians…until recently the most silent and un-noticed part of the community. The development of a distinct black identity in Liverpool (especially since the riots of 1981) is now beginning to show in the artistic…Levi Tafari take pride in Liverpool having possibly the oldest black community in Europe. They drew their inspiration in the 70s from black power, but as Eugene's ancestry demonstrates, Africa is a long
Marxism Today September 1985
Garvey's World Vision
Garvey's world vision this year is the centenary of the birth of marcus garvey, the black leader whose significance in the history of the struggle for freedom, both in the african continent and in the diaspora, would be difficult to over-estimate. as black youth in the caribbean, america, england, brazil, australia and elsewhere find themselves on the fringes of their world, excluded by racism and poverty, a fresh grappling with garvey's ideas and his vision will show that failure is not endemic to the race and that success is within reach.
Marxism Today September 1987
This Sporting Nation
which have emphasised the historical connections of Empire and cultural representation, and of the impact both of Black slaves and of living Britons of African descent. October 1990 to March 1991, for instance…Blackness in portraits such as ‘Louise De Keroualle, Duchess of Portsmouth’ in the main collection. ‘Black Power’ (February - June 1998) was a collection of twenty-four portraits of contemporary Black Britons by Donald MacLellan. While
Soundings Issue 13, Autumn 1999