669 results for black power
48 marxism today while michael jackson, with whom prince hates to be compared, seeks with increasing difficulty to erase or resolve all signs of difference, both sexual and racial, prince throws them up in the air and pushes any sense of coherent identity to the limit and beyond, making the very idea seem illusory. ignoring the fact that the most sublime moments of black music from al green to james brown have often been produced from exactly the place where religious feeling melts into sexual healing, prince's 'schizophrenia' is one of his most marketable qualities.
Marxism Today August 1989
but according to one estimate, if visible aid is included the u.s. needs to spend at least one billion dollars a year on cambodia alone, i.e. on the u.s. bombing (100,000 tons on cambodia in 1971, according to the recent study of cornell university), on the cia activities, on the south vietnamese in cambodia (50,000 as of november 1971), on the khmer serei and khmer krom forces, and on the hired mercenaries from australia, the philip pines, south korea and thailand used to train the lon nol army. south-west africa - the 13,000 ovambo workers deported back to their home areas by south african police after crippling the south-west africa economy with a wave of strikes (7 days no. 10) have elected a 25-member repre sentative committee to voice their demands.
7 Days Wednesday 19 January 1972 No. 12
7 days 7 days 23 february 1972 the cinema of jean marie straub ean-marie straub is the director of two short films (“machorka muff” and “the bridegroom, the comedienne and the pimp”), one 53 minute film (“unreconciled”) and two features (“the chronicle of anna magdelena bach” and “othon”). They just didn’t like seeing tragedy, is the role o f the women and know which way corneille did it — any evidence of effort or things like the the way they are forced to take up whether he started with roman reality straub’s first film, “machorka muff two ex-nazis, a general and his wife, in the car.
7 Days Wednesday February 23, 1972 No 17
Labour's Capital Gains:The GLC Experience
The manifesto proposed that a labour glc should take responsibility for the preparation of an economic plan for london — the london industrial strategy and manpower plan — and that it should itself create the institutions to implement the plan: a training board to develop new training schemes, and an enterprise board to carry out the necessary programme of public sector investment in london employment. december 1983 london development plan; and gradually, after 1969 when london transport came under glc control, the recognition of the scope that existed to support the public transport system from the glc tax base.
Marxism Today December 1983
Old fogeys and angry young men
It is salutary that the great 54 old fogeys and angry young men movement of fathers in the 1990s has not been to reduce working time, nor to desegregate men's and women's incomes and social security benefits (which would mitigate the pressure on poor men to become itinerants, moving between giro drops, their own mothers and the mothers of their children), but to protest against the child support agency's attempts to make them pay for their children. Gershuny's research on british domestic labour and child-care not only shows that time spent with children is increasing among both fathers and mothers, but among those mothers working full-time the time spent with children is actually greater than the time given to children by full -time homemakers three decades ago.
Soundings soundings issue 1 Autumn 1995
Old Fogeys and Angry Young Men: A critique of communitarianism
It is salutary that the great 54 old fogeys and angry young men movement of fathers in the 1990s has not been to reduce working time, nor to desegregate men's and women's incomes and social security benefits (which would mitigate the pressure on poor men to become itinerants, moving between giro drops, their own mothers and the mothers of their children), but to protest against the child support agency's attempts to make them pay for their children. Gershuny's research on british domestic labour and child-care not only shows that time spent with children is increasing among both fathers and mothers, but among those mothers working full-time the time spent with children is actually greater than the time given to children by full -time homemakers three decades ago.
Soundings Issue 1, Autumn 1995
Material Worlds
how do you think the green movement is going to affect fashion as far as fabrics or consumption of clothing are concerned? g e o r g g e o r g i n a equally frustrating is the fact that, because the british fashion business is fairly small fry and because most designers are forced to run their own businesses, they are too competitive.
Marxism Today January 1990
Law and Injustice: Is there an exit from the postmodern maze?
Furthermore, rights find their fullest expression in the society of private property par excellence, as the superstructural effect of capitalist relations of property and exchange.12 tom campbell also comments that 'it is unlikely that there can be any marxist indulgence for the pretensions of those theories of justice which present themselves as the embodiment of universal truths which have application to any and every stage of historical development'.13 nevertheless, among a number of recent commentators, philip kain suggests that marx was, on the contrary, seeking to transcend equal rights and justice; the justice of the communist society being an ideal which we seek to realise.14 b ut there is another level at which, arguably, marx can still provide a vital emancipatory resource. And an approach to the law based on such theories can hardly be described as critical, much less subversive; it fails to ground a response to the evident failings of the british legal system, and the chasm between law and justice, since it has no evaluative criteria, and no theory of the relationship between law and justice.
Soundings Issue 2, Spring 1996
GLC R.I.P: Cultural Policies in London 1981-1986
The term 'ethnic arts' - along with such alternatives as 'ethnic minority arts', 'non-british arts', 'multi-ethnic arts' and 'multi-cultural arts' - was introduced by naseem khan in her book the arts britain ignores (1976). In a 1977 document, the labour party placed an equally depoliticized emphasis on their usefulness in 'building up a unified and harmonious neighbourhood' - an approach explicitly rejected by alan tomkins, who argued that social and cultural changes had rendered it irrelevant and even hypocritical.11 the membership of the ethnic arts subcommittee consisted entirely of black cultural practitioners and activists, while the community arts subcommittee on which 60 per cent of the appointees were women - represented the cultural voice of constituencies like the irish; gay, lesbian and feminist activists; the disabled; the elderly and youth groups.
New Formations Number 1 Spring 1987
Marxism Today March 1986
Classical Roots
this model supports bernal's heretical suggestions that egypt had an important impact on the culture of the aegean, and that the idea of the colonisation of greece by egypt and phoenicia is a better way of resolving the paradoxes which have emerged in scholarly orthodoxy in the face of contradictory evidence generated by modern scientific techniques like radio-carbon dating. Whether or not today's radicals choose to proceed along the path mapped out by ja rogers and mournfully sift the silt of european history for the golden traces of a redemptive black presence, we have to have something to say about the profound impact of racism and antisemitism on the supposedly value-free 19th-century scholarship that shaped our understanding of the modern world through its dodgy accounts of the ancient one.
Marxism Today October 1991
Women At War - interview with Marge Piercy
Maria lauret and cora kaplan talked to her about her latest novel, gone to soldiers, which covers the second world war marge, why did you want to write about the second world war? Louise, a very marxism today august 1987 intelligent woman who just cannot express her intelligence in the kind of writing that is permissible to women at the time, is able to push beyond that for a period of time and becomes a war correspondent.
Marxism Today August 1987
Dream Come True - interview with Joe Slovo
But i think we must also, in examining the balance of forces in south africa, take into account the factor which was in a relative sense missing from the zimbabwean situation, that is, the strength of the political forces on the ground; the organised trade-union movement, the massive strength of the mass democratic movement itself and the extremely high level 15 of political awareness among the majority of blacks. 'we could succeed in what i would call "doing a gdr" on de klerk' yes, and i think an anc south africa which is stable and prosperous will play a very important role in counterbalancing the unequal relationship which exists at the moment between africa as a continent and the industrial world.
Marxism Today March 1990
The racialisation of space in British cities
the simplified view of space embodied in the inner-city/suburb distinction, one which consigns black people to the inner city has a parallel in the opposition of urban and rural, city and country, with the latter being the home of core english values and the former the source of alien, cosmopolitan values. The northern suburbs, beyond chapeltown, for example, have a significant black middle-class presence, but still the imagined black inner city is fixed in space by the decisions and practices of banks, building societies, the city council and the social control agencies.
Soundings soundings issue 10 Autumn 1998
The Racialisation of Space in British Cities
the simplified view of space embodied in the inner-city/suburb distinction, one which consigns black people to the inner city has a parallel in the opposition of urban and rural, city and country, with the latter being the home of core english values and the former the source of alien, cosmopolitan values. The northern suburbs, beyond chapeltown, for example, have a significant black middle-class presence, but still the imagined black inner city is fixed in space by the decisions and practices of banks, building societies, the city council and the social control agencies.
Soundings Issue 10, Autumn 1997
BENETTON BRITAIN The New Economic Order
They have followed a policy of employing casual, part-time, largely female labour, and have failed - in the food sector - to transform the nutritional quality of food and its conditions of production, in line with their extraordinary advances in systems of physical distribution and stock control. They have followed a policy of employing casual, part-time, largely female labour, and have failed - in the food sector - to transform the nutritional quality of food and its conditions of production, in line with their extraordinary advances in systems of physical distribution and stock control.
Marxism Today November 1985
Inventing 'African Aids'
8 he notes, in line with past experience in treatment trials in africa, that obtaining informed consent in this context may often involve working with community leaders, whose own interests in co-operating with researchers might be complex.9 but it is a mystification to situate these problems solely in supposedly fixed cultural differences between africa and the west; for this ignores the reality that africa has for centuries been negotiating the logic of western ethics; thus, for example, almost half of all africans (that is to say, about 200 million people) profess some version of christianity.10 further, to mystify differences in social ethics by setting them on the slippery slope of evolutionism (however unconsciously that slippage may occur in western ethical discourse) short-circuits the obvious need to consult not only local political leaders, but the actual peers of western ethicists - african professors and theorists of african social ethics and theology, who can be easily located in their offices at the many major universities in the african states. The chief other published sources of debate on the ethics of aids vaccine trials are: wendy k. mariner and robert c. gallo, 'getting to market: the scientific and legal climate for developing an aids vaccine', law, medicine, and health care, 15, 1-2 (summer 1987), 17-26; nicholas a. christakis, 'responding to a pandemic: international interests in aids control', daedalis, 118, 2 (spring 1989), 113-34; wendy k. mariner, 'why clinical trials of aids vaccines are premature', american journal of public health, 79, 1 (january 1989), 86-91.
New Formations Number 10 Spring 1990
To achieve this a united women’s move ment is needed, which mobilises women on the basis’ of their own oppression, and which is held together by the political solidarity of women — “sisterhood” — capable of unlocking and overthrowing all of the structures which imprison women. But the american movement is feminism is the political movement now as politically distant from the of women produced by the contra american suffrage movement as the diction between men and women.
7 Days Wednesday March 15, 1972 No 20
Imagining Modernity: Moretti On The Bildungsroman
Graham murdock new formations number 6 winter i 988 imagining modernity moretti on the bildungsroman franco moretti, the way of the world: the bildungsroman in european culture, london, verso, 1987; 256 pp; £24.95. This leads 'hem to suppress any confrontation with passion and desire, and prevents them from exploring the psychological conflicts which allow the youthful protagonists of imagining modernity the bildungsroman to capture the internal contradictions of modernity as opposed to the external struggles between classes.4 given the centrality of class to the nineteenth-century english novel, moretti pays surprisingly little attention to it as a theme.
New Formations Number 6 Winter 1988
Difficult alliances
For example, in one asian women's group in east london, muslim women made demands for a separate space within the centre, in which to meet as muslim women only. For example, a recent home office research on the needs of pakistani muslim women in the face of domestic violence, highlighted the problems of the 'one year rule' (mentioned above) and the concept of izzat, or honour, as if these were exclusive to muslim women.
Soundings soundings issue 12 summer 1999
Difficult Alliances: Treading the Minefield of Identity and Solidarity Politics
For example, in one asian women's group in east london, muslim women made demands for a separate space within the centre, in which to meet as muslim women only. For example, a recent home office research on the needs of pakistani muslim women in the face of domestic violence, highlighted the problems of the 'one year rule' (mentioned above) and the concept of izzat, or honour, as if these were exclusive to muslim women.
Soundings Issue 12, Summer 1999
187 tufnell park road, london n7 607 5639______________________________ marx, engels, lenin, trotsky, mandel, women's liberation, third world struggles, labour history, socialism — all the books o f the left. Since he was always ahead of us by a year or so, that simple time-lapse o f experience sus tained the direct impact o f his music months and years after we first encountered it." world-shaking apocalypse was just around the corner, and nowhere was this mood better defined than in the rock of that period — the rock of jimi hendrix, the cream, mick jagger and jim morrison.
7 Days Wednesday 24 November 1971 & DAYS Vol 1, No 5
Adults At Play
A commitment to east european art seems to be prominent; so too african and broadly third-world developments, with an implied attempt to transcend the barriers which isolate them from a self-defining 'first world'; historical figures whose critical recuperation is overdue; promising younger artists, whom the remainder of the british art world traditionally shun. Another might be to accuse the modern art museum of having neutered and sanitised 'radical' art by the simple act of collecting and displaying it.
Marxism Today June 1990
December 1985 • south african crossroads over the past year, persistent and widespread mass action in south africa has been met by state violence which, in turn, has provoked stubborn popular resistance to the repressive actions of the regime's security forces. in this situation intense pressure has been exerted, by an array of individuals and organisations both inside and outside the country and by foreign governments, both on the botha government and also on the anc, to open negotiations directed towards the peaceful settlement of the current political and economic crisis.
Marxism Today December 1985