
Example searches: feminism black power stuart hall
Example searches: feminism black power stuart hall

365 results for feminism


emphasis shifted from national life. New uncertainties and new internal party morale and identity to a forces — feminism, the youth movement of continual discussion of the national ques- 1977, the organised unemployed, the tion
Marxism Today July 1983


true that the figure of threaten to reverse the advances of Bond has always reverberated to the feminism. ideological concerns of nation and nationThere is, then, cause for concern that hood, the relations between East
Marxism Today June 1983

WOMAN'S HOUR Interview with Wyn Knowles and Sue MacGregor

immediately have a certain image. I've always been an equal rights woman but I intensely dislike feminism's extremes — the anti-male feeling, not wanting men at your meetings — and I don't like
Marxism Today April 1983


nuclear movement in all the churches; the progress of the work for racial justice; the influence of feminism on Christian thinking; the dialogue with the radical wing of the Roman communion; the influence of Third
Marxism Today October 1982


liberated' women which somehow took the words out of our mouths by bringing a reformist notion of feminism into the market place of dominant cinema. A few years later, a very different group of films
Marxism Today May 1982

The 'Little Caesars' of Social Democracy

Social Democrats have failed to identify a single new political constituency around a single new issue. Feminism is a good case in point, where a strong, vigorous and radical movement has developed, to which
Marxism Today April 1981

Reagan: is it as bad as it sounds ?

might well emerge out of the struggles that now seem on the agenda. In the US, anti-feminism has seemingly played a greater direct role in building the Right in the last few years than
Marxism Today February 1981

American Culture -a cop out

radical politics of a classic European Marxist type. Rather one must look to cross-class movements — feminism, gay rights, the antinuclear movement, the struggle for racial justice — for a radical critique of American
Marxism Today January 1981

Socialist Strategy: Where Next?

demands to the existing list of those demands considered as socialist; the articulation between socialism and feminism must involve a radical transformation in the way socialism is customarily viewed, ie, simply as the socialisation
Marxism Today January 1981

Eurocommunism can it regain the initiative?

phenomenon in this sphere is undoubtedly present-day feminism. But there are others, such as ecology, youth, the new role of culture etc. We are finding
Marxism Today October 1980

Where are we now?

could just say that I think feminism does relate to all these questions. It's not a separate compartment. It affects the whole nature
Marxism Today September 1980

Thatcherism - a new stage?

their issue. Whilst the TUC had given needed support to the campaign it has failed to adopt feminism within its ideology or its organising structures. This means the trade union movement allowing space for women
Marxism Today July 1980

The Gramsci Debate

movements as diverse as the Labour Party, feminism, and ecological groups. This points to the need for a regeneration of Marxism and new solutions
Marxism Today February 1980

EQUALITY FOR WOMEN Have the laws worked?

campaigns it has to fight. The Tories' ideological offensive on women must be matched, and it is feminism rather than trade unionism which will lead on this particular front. • 4
Marxism Today January 1980


making their film. As women in women’s liberation are constantly faced with similar problems, confrontations of ‘feminism’ and ‘working class’, a film which was made for the discussion of women in politics should have
7 Days Wednesday March 15, 1972 No 20