
Example searches: feminism black power stuart hall
Example searches: feminism black power stuart hall

187 results for stuart hall

Notes on Contributors

Stuart Hall Doreen Massey Michael Rustin
Soundings Issue 4, Autumn 1996

Whose Heroes Does a City Remember?

Stuart Hall c/o
Soundings Issue 3, Summer 1996

An Exemplary Life : Raymond Williams

role in the establishment of New Left Review, his political involvement with colleagues such as Stuart Hall, Edward Thompson and Michael Rustin in the production of the 1967 May Day Manifesto, and lastly, incorporating
Soundings Issue 3, Summer 1996

Heroes, Heroines: Introduction – Who dares, fails

They know the doubleness, the ambivalence, which is at the heart of identification: how slippery the distinction is between 'being' and 'having'; how little role modelling has to do with someone else's actual life, and how much it has to do with our rewriting of that life, into our narratives, with autography; how little it tells us about them, 117 soundings how much about our desire, both for ourselves and for the other; how inextricably the merging in fantasy with is linked to the awakening of the violence of refusal and rejection from - real or imagined. Bevan - my hero from the days of the suez demonstration in trafalgar square in 1956, when he had put the pigeons to flight with his scathing denunciation of the nefarious eden-french-israeli stitch-up that had taken britain into the most ludicrous post-imperial adventurism until the falklands war - had responded to this triumph of cnd campaigning, 'don't send me naked into the conference chamber'.
Soundings Issue 3, Summer 1996

Editorial: What is at Stake?

New labour must be willing to 'the language of speak to the condition of those who have poor or stakeholders might worsening prospects, and to identify them as citizens enable new labour who are without, or who are at risk of losing, an to identify more effective stake. Heseltine sought, with glee, to embarrass new labour by saying that these 'stakeholders' were merely the vested interests of corporatism reborn, or returned from their old labour cupboards - the ghost of solomon binding.1 portillo said it was stealing a right-wing idea, the propertyowning democracy, no less.
Soundings Issue 2, Spring 1996

Notes on Contributors

Stuart Hall, Doreen Massey, Michael Rustin
Soundings Issue 2, Spring 1996

Revenge Of The 60s

success of Thatcher, as Martin David, she teases. Say it. He grits his Jacques and Stuart Hall have pointed teeth and the word comes tumbling out out, was that, as she attempted to vanquat
Marxism Today December 1991

We've Got Problems Too...

eventual outcome of Thatcherism.' (Peter Jenkins, The Guardian, 3.11.1982) Nov 1982: In 'A Long Haul' Stuart Hall analyses the underlying reasons for Labour's crisis. Dec 1982: A long feature appears in the Financial Times
Marxism Today December 1991

What Marxism Today Has Meant To Me

Towards the end of its time it became less compulsory reading. I thought that Eric Hobsbawm, Stuart Hall and Bea Campbell always had something interesting to say, but it was the lack of attention paid
Marxism Today December 1991

Stone, Paper, Scissors

David Held, The Decline Of The Nation State, in New Times, edited by Stuart Hall and Martin Jacques, Lawrence and Wishart, 1989. This article is abridged from Charles Jencks, New World View - The Post-Modern
Marxism Today February 1991

After Thatcher - A Class Of Her Own

denied that the rhetoric has its own reality because here was a paradigm of what Stuart Hall calls the Conservatives' authoritarian-populism: an innerparty coup by the most powerful persons, conducted in the name
Marxism Today January 1991

book reviews

recent attempts of the British Left to come to terms with the market, everyone from Stuart Hall and Martin Jacques to David Marquand and Raymond Plant. Seldon makes three central arguments. The first
Marxism Today August 1990

Work Your Body!

capture the changing events, moods and issues as we enter the 1990s. The judges, Sue Townsend, Stuart Hall, Martin Jacques and Marsha Rowe, awarded first prize to Matt Seaton for his piece 'Work Your Body
Marxism Today April 1990

Debate on the Manifesto For New Times

also the old 'objective structures' of capitalism and its systematic unity. There has been, as Stuart Hall announced in the issue of Marxism Today which introduced us to the concept of 'new times', a tremendous
Marxism Today August 1989

New Times - The Party Is Over

sense of fragmentation, accompanied by a genralised loss of meaning. The 'new times' argued Stuart Hall in Marxism Today (October 1988), are characterised thus: 'greater fragmentation and pluralism, the weakening of older collective solidarities
Marxism Today March 1989

After the Masses

already dispensed with Lyotard's 'meta-narratives'. Furthermore, the concentration in the work of people like Stuart Hall on the ways in which language has been used within contemporary British politics to actively construct
Marxism Today January 1989

On The Race Track

like - Europe is being so assiduous about safeguarding its increasingly mutual border).24 And while Stuart Hall is of course absolutely right to say that the 'new times' oscillate between the poles of the global
Marxism Today November 1988

Market Mania Of The Left

Labour Party, the TUC, and not least in the pages of Marxism Today. However, as Stuart Hall has pointed out1, rethinking won't get very far until we have clarified our views on the market
Marxism Today June 1988

Frisbees And Famine

failed. It was up to the ordinary punters to change the world. Writers such as Stuart Hall and Martin Jacques were made optimistic by Live Aid and rebuked the TUC and the Labour Party
Marxism Today April 1988

The Art Of Decline

Neil Kinnock's fabian approach which says that art is good for us contrasts sharply with Stuart Hall's argument: 'It's perfectly clear that if you can get hold of culture
Marxism Today January 1987

Poetry Reviewed

NALSO INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR Speakers — Barbara Castle, Stuart Hall, Alasdair MacIntyre and John Hughes and participants from the Continent
New University Issue 8 December 1961

The Misuse of Literacy

NALSO INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR Speakers — Barbara Castle, Stuart Hall, Alasdair MacIntyre and John Hughes and participants from the Continent
New University Issue 8 December 1961

The Left in Germany

which socialist groups have to fight to survive at all. Even so, the comment by Stuart Hall that socialists must develop a critique of capitalism which starts from the “economic miracle” rather than
New University Issue 6 May 1961

Towards two nations

tended to place Andrew Gamble's work in the same tradition as that of Stuart Hall with his emphasis on 'authoritarian populism' as an organising concept in understanding Thatcherism. In 'Smashing the State' (MT June
Marxism Today July 1985

Paternalism Revisited

giant car plant or the elephantine head office are at least worthy of reconsideration. What Stuart Hall has called 'statism' is in retreat all over the world. These fundamental changes in the scale and character
Marxism Today July 1985