
Example searches: feminism black power stuart hall
Example searches: feminism black power stuart hall

669 results for black power

Inner City Mama - a talk with Neneh Cherry

growing up listening to salsa, latin music as well as reggae and then punk, you are one of the generation of people who can pull from and respond to world music in a comfortable way. Atellite andrea stuart talks to neneh cherry inner city mama for many women, the sight of neneh cherry in black leggings and matching top, grooving, hugely pregnant and totally sexy, on top of the pops, may well be remembered as the real start of the 1990s.
Marxism Today December 1989

You've Never Had It So Good - Again!

While nationalised industry, state planning and consumer aggregate demand were popular images of the consumer boom as a game of chance or wheel of fortune 31 marxism today may 1988 'advertisers and marketers are not simply the "slaves of capital", driven by the frantic search for markets' cornerstones of the economic theory and practice of consensus politics, there was little attempt to translate postwar macro-economic policy into a political vocabulary which tapped into people's imaginings of personal as well as social good. And if - and it's a big if- labour can begin to think through its economic policy in cultural terms, in images as much as policies that pull on the commonsense of choice, fulfilment and styles of life, it may indeed have the making of the big idea to challenge popular capitalism on its home ground.
Marxism Today May 1988


In a country which has long found its own politics tired, stale and lacking in any it demands that white people play a supporting role while black people make history moral imperative, the momentous issues of freedom and repression being fought out in south africa allow british people a faint involvement in grand political passion. 6 august 1986 marxism today the south african crisis the apartheid effect britain & south africa sarah benton when it comes to south africa, thatcherism is isolated, beached, stranded.
Marxism Today August 1986

Males. Morals and Majorities - interview with Gloria Steinam

The context of a plan for coal, and the re- graham gudgin fuelling britain: the future of coal assurance that closures could be agreed with the unions under the industry's colliery review procedure were powerful influences leading to industrial harmony. The original target for the coal industry to break even by 1984/5 was forgotten, and the electricity industry was prevented from buying foreign coal.
Marxism Today June 1984

What has socialism to do with sexual equality?

None of the economic inequalities between women and men is particularly hard to explain, for whether we look at the sexual distribution of full-time and part-time employment, or the disproportionate number of women in jobs that require minimal training, or the difficulties women experience in reaching the higher levels on any career ladder, they all point to the unequal division of care work that requires so many women to interrupt their working lives, or opt for part time employment. i am not claiming that a more equitable distribution of care work between women and men resolves all problems of sexual inequality, for while i do see the sexual division of labour as crucial in sustaining sexual hierachies and oppressions, i would not want to present equality in employment and care work as the only feminist concern.
Soundings soundings issue 4 Autumn 1996

Complexity, contradictions, creativity: Transitions and the voluntary sector

For the citizen in her daily life, the flows of information and lines of responsibility which run, for example, between local authority officials, voluntary organisations, joint planning mechanisms linking health and social services, local council social service committees, community health councils, with the addition of the various charters of user rights, and 184 complexity, contradictions, creativity finally the electoral process, are enormously complex and often messy. Soundings issue 4 autumn 1996 complexity, contradictions, creativity: transitions and the voluntary sector anne showstack sassoon voluntary organisations stitch together, often in contradictory ways, people, society and the state.
Soundings soundings issue 4 Autumn 1996

Africa's National Congresses and the British Left

One important step in this direction would be the persuasion of the left of the labour party and the left outside the labour party that the sort of struggle which the africans of northern rhodesia or kenya are waging and in which they are gaining some measure of support from labour, is of central importance for british socialists. The new reasoner autumn 1957 number 2 africa africa's national congresses john rex and the british left two events of considerable importance have occurred recently which affect the relations between the british labour party and the congress organisations which are the main vehicles of political expression for the africans of east, central and south africa.
New Reasoner Autumn 1957 issue 2

The Three Ecologies: Translated By Chris Turner, Material Word

Thus traces of the story-teller cling to the story the way the handprints of the potter cling to the clay vessel.10 to bring into being worlds other than those of pure abstract information; to engender universes of reference and existential territories in which singularity and finitude are embraced by the multivalent logic of mental ecologies and the social-ecological group eros principle; to face up to a dizzying confrontation with the cosmos in order to make it in some way liveable; these are, in short, the intertwining paths of the triple ecological vision to which we should now turn all our attention. Capitalist societies - amongst which i include not only the western nations and japan, but also countries under socalled actually existing socialism as well as the new industrial nations of the third world - produce and deploy both types of subjectivity: the serial the three ecologies 14 subjectivity that is the province of the wage-earning classes and the immense mass of the 'insecure', and the elitist subjectivity of ruling social strata.
New Formations Number 8 Summer 1989

What Future for the Past in the New South Africa?

J. b. peires, the dead will arise: nongqawuse and the great xhosa cattle-killing movement of 18564857, ravan press, johannesburg 1989, pl2436 what future for the past in the new south africa? affair as a revolutionary war against the british, in which many xhosa retained a healthy scepticism towards the chiefs and the rulers of their own side. In discussion with the narrator, clara, a happy child of this future socialist society, expresses her disdain for the history books of the past, 'they were well enough for times when intelligent people had but little else in which they could take pleasure, and when they must supplement the sordid miseries of their own lives with imaginations of the 32 what future for the past in the new south africa? lives of other people.1 for william morris, one sign of a healthy society would be precisely its lack of interest in history.
Soundings Issue 14, Spring 2000

Angola under Attack: Watching the Revolution Being Taken Away

South africa's ten year old undeclared war with angola had the country on its knees, and the angolan authorities were deeply sceptical about western journalists, who mostly reported angola out of johannesburg, or through interviews with the fluent and media-friendly leader of unita, jonas savimbi, at his headquarters in south east angola, under the vigilant protection of the south african military; and none were allowed in except with a programme carefully controlled by the authorities. 143 soundings since independence from portugal in 1975 south africa had repeatedly invaded and occupied the southern provinces; a camp of swapo refugees, including many children, had been massacred from south african helicopter gun ships at kassinga; an anc teacher at the university of lubango, jeanette schoon, and her small daughter, had been assassinated by a south african letter bomb; tens of thousands of peasants had been killed, kidnapped, or driven from their villages by land mines - victims of unita terror tactics.
Soundings Issue 7, Autumn 1997

After El Dorado: Alejo Carpentier'S The Lost Steps

The self-consciousness of his attempt to counter the colonizing march of his westernized imagination in 'the gran sabana: world of genesis' needs to be referred historically both to the earlier originary encounter of europe and america, and to europe's rediscovery of latin america in the twentieth century, particularly that of the 'ethnographic surrealists', as james clifford has called them, with whom carpentier had been involved in the late 1920s and early 1930s.7 in june 1931, he published an article in the cuban journal carteles entitled 'america before the young european literature', which presents extracts from the paris-based, spanish-language journal iman, of which carpentier had been editor-in-chief (the only number had appeared the year before).8 it gives the responses of philippe soupault, nino frank, georges ribemont-dessaignes, georges bataille, michel leiris, robert desnos and walter mehring to the questions: 'how do you imagine latin america? . . See also gonzalez echevarria, 'historia y alegoria en la narrativa de carpentier', cuadernos americanos, 1 (january-february, 1980), 200-20, which uses de man's distinction between symbol and allegory and auerbach's notion of figural new formations allegory to suggest that carpentier's unmasking of the interpretative act of narrating history is directed 'at the very mode of production of the novel'; and e. gonzalez, 'los pasos perdidos, el azar y la aventura', revista iberoamericana, 81 (octoberdecember, 1972), 585-613. 17 'the critical question about the ideological thrust of the novel and its expression in contrasting groups of characters is whether it is intended to be taken at face value, or whether it is meant to be read as indicative of the way the narrator (as distinct from the author) sees things', d. shaw, alejo carpentier (boston: twayne publishers, 1985), 45.
New Formations Number 6 Winter 1988

Islands Of Enchantment: Extracts From A Caribbean Travel Diary

The us navy owns 70 per cent of the island and uses much of it for target practice, thereby islands of e n c h a n t m e n t 89 poster for archaeological exhibition about vieques, held at the museum of the university of puerto rico, march-april 1983. The aim was to locate the cave where several of the most spectacular pieces of caribbean wood-carving were found in 1792, having presumably been hidden by their islands of e n c h a n t m e n t 85 arawakan wooden figure (jamaica, c. 15th century).
New Formations Number 3 Winter 1987

The Homeward Path: Fragments Of Journeys Into New Worlds

And throughout this drifting course, a figure was always carefully put on things: three girls met at the fountain on one of the juan fernandez islands, a peak ioo metres high scaled to gain a vast panoramic view of the pacific and the andes, which is itself also judged to be some fifty leagues in extent and is studded with twenty little islands; ten gourds to be earned in valparaiso to pay for a wedding to a fiancee who, during that time, died of leprosy; four whaling boats and twenty-four oars beating through the waves in an attack upon a whale whose blood spurted up in columns some fifteen to twenty feet in height; five inches of snow covering the hill from which the traveller attempted to view - with the temperature at 150 centigrade - the kamchatka landscape which was still plunged in the boreal night; four big black dogs pulling the funeral cortege of a native to the top of the same hill, four ship's biscuits shared by this sailor on shore leave for the funeral meal on the dead man's tomb; four kilometres covered in a dizzy five-minute downhill sleigh-ride to catch up with the unleashed dogs that had set off three minutes before; the yourt 100 square metres in volume his companions took him back to - a phalanstery with soot hanging in black stalactites where bear and otter-meat and grilled fish mingled with the odours of men, women, children, foxes, and dogs; eighteen polynesian canoes coming alongside the ship to propose the unacceptable barter of a cargo of coconuts for the kitchen utensils it was carrying; the exchange - this time accepted - of a french sailor picked up by an american whaler for an american sailor picked up by a french whaler; 467 francs brought back to granville as a prize for four years' peregrinations and reduced in one night to 13 francs by the obligatory coup de parlance. 41 what buchner sought to discover, no doubt, was how these dreams and grievances would go on to become, for instance, the feverish but undiscriminating desires of plebeian magdeleines who, like the grisette marion in danton's death, made no distinction between carnal sensuality and the pleasure of looking at holy images,42 or like the character marie, in woyzeck, to whom everything was indifferent, but not, however, the fine appearance of drum-majors or the sparkle of an earring in a sliver of broken mirror; no doubt, too, buchner was obsessed by how they would grow, for instance, into the superstition and dread felt by the soldier woyzeck in his desperate attempts to come to terms with his 'dual nature', with the noises he heard underground and thought were perhaps made by freemasons, or with the shapes he saw mushrooms make in the grass, or with the world itself as it seemingly went up in flames; and buchner saw them at work, too, in the stories which idiots told, or which were passed on by grandmothers, repeated in the patter of the fairground or in the barrel-organ tunes and entertainments of those artisans who 'pissed cross-wise so a jew might die'.
New Formations Number 3 Winter 1987

History and Social Structure on the East African Plateau

in the course of trying to find answers to such questions it may be found necessary to answer quite a few of the subordinate questions which marx raised;, even if he did not attempt to answer them all, in his "introduction to the critique of political economy": questions such as the role of trade and money in differently constituted agrarian societies (he instances the apparently contradictory features of, e.g. society in ancient peru)and the study of the whole range of individual societies, including the physical and geographical conditions of their existence, their relations and interactions with other societies, the development of communications, the role of accidents in history; in short, the entire complex of factors which have contributed to the merging of the histories of individual societies into world history in the course of time (l6). 288-9. (6) history of east africa l.c. (7) oliver, r: "the traditional histories of buganda, bunyoro and nkole (royal anthropological institute 1953)* page seven historians are still engaged in collating the various traditional histories of the peoples of the plateau with a view to arriving at a more precise time scale; but even without waiting for this difficult and complex work to reach a more mature state there are a number of useful lessons to be learnt about the structure of these societies from the picture the traditions give us of their development in the course of the generations.
Socialist History Society Pamphlets History and Social Structure on the East African Plateau

What future for the past in the new South Africa?

J. b. peires, the dead will arise: nongqawuse and the great xhosa cattle-killing movement of 18564857, ravan press, johannesburg 1989, pl2436 what future for the past in the new south africa? affair as a revolutionary war against the british, in which many xhosa retained a healthy scepticism towards the chiefs and the rulers of their own side. In discussion with the narrator, clara, a happy child of this future socialist society, expresses her disdain for the history books of the past, 'they were well enough for times when intelligent people had but little else in which they could take pleasure, and when they must supplement the sordid miseries of their own lives with imaginations of the 32 what future for the past in the new south africa? lives of other people.1 for william morris, one sign of a healthy society would be precisely its lack of interest in history.
Soundings soundings issue 14 Spring 2000

The Limits of Inclusion: Western Political Theory and Immigration

All developed democracies have imposed limits on immigration at one time or another, but this has usually been done, so to speak, with a bad conscience.3 liberal political philosophy maintains the appearance of coherence at the level of theory through the strategy of concealment: the vast majority of works in liberal theory do not address the question of national belonging and political membership, and only remain plausible on the assumption that the question has been answered in a way that satisfies liberal principles - but this assumption remains highly questionable.4 if the question of membership is made explicit, it becomes clear that there is an irresolvable contradiction between liberal theory's apparent universalism and its concealed particularism. But we should expect a theory of the good citizen to be relatively independent of the legal question of what it is to be a citizen, just as a theory of the good person is distinct from the metaphysical (or legal) question of what it is to be a person.5 if kymlicka and norman are correct, political philosophers can proceed with constructing theories of good citizenship based upon participation, and, with a clear conscience, leave the question of citizenship-as-legal-status for the lawyers 5.
Soundings Issue 10, Autumn 1997

Looking for the Crevices: Consultation in the Mental Health Service

171 soundings find an effective way of engaging service users in each borough.2 in broad terms the purpose of this project was: • • to elicit users' views about current and future mental health services within each of the three boroughs covered by the trust; to draw conclusions from this process which could inform strategies for improving involvement of, and collaboration with, service users in general. certain key elements seemed essential in setting up a project if it were to model different ways of relating to and working with users: • the project needed to be established in such a way that it was user-led from the start so that the users involved had a real - not token - say in the running of the project (democratisation).
Soundings Issue 8, Spring 1998

Linking Up The Left An interview with Bill Morris

You are both prominent and very visible, as the only black trade union leader
Marxism Today June 1989

A Ministry For Women's Rights? A vision of equality

Will focusing on sex inequality alienate women for whom class or race discrimination is a more central concern? and if women can directly influence the work of this ministry, what chance is there that other ministries directly affecting women's lives, like health, education, employment and social security, will open their doors? A london-based ministry, surrounded by organisations and vocal women's groups, will have to work hard to avoid an over-reliance on white professional women, by creating participatory structures which are geographically, financially and culturally accessible to black and working class women.
Marxism Today March 1986

Who are we? � class and the women�s movement

Social work provides a good exam­ ple of this process: an article by myra garrett in the women’s issue of'case con', the radical journal of social workers, describes how social work has increasingly been divided into service and caring work for women the casework which is somehow seen as less skilled because women do it more 'naturally' and the 'intellectual, managerial, administrative orientation for men’. Even if such women were, and believed themselves to be, ‘pampered slaves’, their experience of daily living was such as to radically divide them from the women of the working class; in attempting to develop a basis for feminist unity among women of all backgrounds, they reached across chasms of educational and cultural hierarchy, class distrust, mutual ignorance of each others’ lives.
Red Rag Volume 11

US Policy Toward Latin America - interview with Saul Landau

how do you see reagan's attitude towards latin america differing from that of the previous carter administration? marxism today i think reagan and the gang that supported him saw latin america as very crucial long before the election. looking back, how would you evaluate carter's foreign policy? what carter did in his foreign policy probably marked the greatest successes that american governments have had in foreign policy in many years.
Marxism Today June 1981

Us And Them: On The Philosophical Bases Of Political Criticism

T h e rationality that a political cultural criticism cannot afford to ignore is one that is implicit in the very definition of human agency sketched above, as the capacity that all human 'persons' and 'cultures' in principle possess to understand their actions and evaluate them in terms of their (social and historical) significance for them. Gellner's formulation of anthropological interpretation in terms of 'charity' is a convenient abstraction that obscures the practice of western anthropologists studying other - i.e. non-western - cultures particularly in colonial and postcolonial contexts, since it ignores the basic hermeneutic question about the adequacy of the anthropologist's own cultural language (i.e. its capacity for 'tolerance' of new and unfamiliar meanings).
New Formations Number 8 Summer 1989

The Mise-En-Scene Of Suffering French Chanteuses Realistes

The lyrics of both frehel's and piaf's songs are littered with allusions, such as in piaf's 'c'est toujours la meme histoire': c'est toujours la meme histoire, j'ose a peine vous en parler moij'ai fait semblant d'y croire, fakes semblant de m'ecouter22 or direct references, as in frehel's 'ou sont tous mes amants', and 'tout change dans la vie,' where she says, with heavy irony, j'ai mis au-dessus de ma cheminee la photo de maurice chevalier.13, beyond specific experiences, 'authenticity' in the songs is perceived as emanating from the lived experience of these women - sometimes the chanson realiste is referred to as chanson vecue, the song of lived experience - and from their own self-knowledge. This area clearly exercised a great fascination, evident in songs such as 'la chanson des fortifs' (frehel): que sont dev'nues les fortifications et les p'tits bistrots des barrieres c'etait vdecor de toutes nos chansons des jolies chansons de naguere7 108 new formations even if it was occasionally mocked, as in another of frehel's songs, 'tout change dans la vie': j'ai sur la zone une baraque c'est du sapin tres ancien ety'a i'usine d'ammoniaque qui i'embaume du soir au matin} the paris celebrated by chanson realiste constantly deplores its own demise and does so with particular strength because the images associated with this vanished past are widely circulated in other media, especially the cinema.
New Formations Number 3 Winter 1987

'Enough About You, Let'S Talk About Me' Recent Autobiographical Writing

in search of a past has been received as a text which fulfils the requirements for an autobiography which understands the self as a product of history and class, while also taking up psychoanalytic concepts of subjectivity: 'the self and history are held in careful tension', neil bel ton stated in his review of the book.5 78 new formations what interest me, however, are the tensions between fraser's oral history model and his representation of psychoanalysis, and the different weightings he gives to these structures. Whereas fraser finds the authentic self within a version of existentialism, and fuller, as we shall see, posits an authentic self outside the theories which purport to explain the constructions of subjectivity, steedman shifts the terms of the debate by displacing the concept of the authentic self into questions of story and narrative.
New Formations Number 1 Spring 1987

The Anti-Fascist People's Front In the Armed Forces

£5.00 orders to : (please include 25p per pamphlet postage & packing) history group, 16 john street, london ec1m 4al eds: bill moore, george barnsby isbn 07147 30882 published by the communist party history group £1.95 foreword on september 26, 1986, following the publication of richard kisch's book the days of the good soldiers, the history croup called a conference of communist party members, past and present, primarily those who had been in the armed forces during the second world war, in order to record a wider picture of communist activity that it was possible to present in the book. the anti-fascist people's front in the armed forces the communist contribution the contribution made by members of the communist party in the armed forces to stimulating discussions on war aims, and especially discussions about the kind of britain the troops wanted to come back to (with the usual conclusion about how to get it: by electing a labour government) was present almost from the beginning.
Socialist History Society Pamphlets The Anti-Fascist People's Front In the Armed Forces