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Example searches: feminism black power stuart hall

365 results for feminism

Women At War - interview with Marge Piercy

Edge of Time, Vida and Braided Lives. In her prose, Piercy writes about the history of postwar feminism in relation to other radical social movements in the United States. Maria Lauret and Cora Kaplan talkedthere things about the experience of women in the war that led to a later involvement in feminism?such a counterrevolution was necessary. And then again we have had the upsurge of second wave feminism and the attempt to push that all back again. The magazines fill up with stories
Marxism Today August 1987

UNITED WE FALL Women and the wage struggle BEATRIX CAMPBEL

even aware­ ness of women’s economic demands, never mind the social and political demands produced by feminism which require re-direction of political priorities. Its silence on the structural economic inequality betweencare of non-workers previously the sole responsibility of the family. This is critical for feminism because the expansion of the modern state expresses contra­ dictory responses to the instabilities in personal life, such thatGOVERNMENT AND FEMINISM Ian Gough argues in Thatcherism and the Welfare State (Marxism Today. July 1980) that the Thatcher government attempts ‘deliberately to depolitcise
Red Rag Volume 14

Looking Over Our Shoulders

point of view stemming from the left”, and a voice cate­ gorised as ‘radical’ or even ‘spontaneous’ feminism which demanded a new expression of politics,and different ways of organising ourselves as women. Right backabout cutting through propagandist politics, as if by instinct. Thus the issue of the relationship between contemporary feminism and other aspects of socialist struggles and ‘socialisms’ has often been avoided rather than clarifiedReflections on Women’s Liberation and Socialism About 100 women went to the Birmingham Conference. Confidence in feminism was such that we felt an important knot was about to be unravelled. On reflection however
Red Rag Volume 13

Sisterhood Under Stress

Feminism and its strengths Our decentralised, dispersed structure gives us many strengths. Commitment and energy flourishIndividualism, collective practice and New Women There is also a permanent tension between individual and collective feminism. The emphasis on the validity of every woman’s personal experience, and her right to ex­ pressspeak to men over the phone, when the men’s requests are genuinely in solidarity with feminism, or made on behalf of a feminist. As a result, some socialist women have wanted to withdraw from
Red Rag Volume 8

Realignment - for What?

democratisation. It means remaking the politics of the labour movement in the light of the struggle for feminism - the 'feminisation' of the Left, which is so far only nodding opportunistically in feminism's directionterrain of the struggle for general social, economic and cultural change - the 'socialisation' of feminism. It implies the recognition of the irreversible way in which British politics and society has become imprinted by the ethnicPlanet Earth. The Left and patriarchalism The fifth and final area I want to mention here concerns feminism and sexual politics. The demands of the women's movement on such issues as abortion and contraception
Marxism Today December 1985

How the Other Half Lives

service the lifestyle of the party, and once the rank and file women's sections embrace feminism which challenges the social relationship between men and women, they put the men's permission in jeopardycomplaint against Attlee, Gaitskell, Wilson or Foot. The attack presumably aims to conscript working class women against feminism. This kind of disdain of feminism isolates the very women in the party who are seekingmake amends for Labour's neglect of working class women's sex and class. Naturally, feminism challenges consensus about what constitutes 'normal relations' between men and women within the
Marxism Today April 1984

Karl Marx: 100 not out - roundtable discussion

accommodate the job or not enter into the competition for a certain job. The challenge posed by feminism is to fit work to human needs and not people to work. There are many ways, thensame time Marxism is itself being challenged by the women's movement and by feminismEast and West. Has Marxism adequately come to grips with the range of questions posed by modern feminism?
Marxism Today March 1983

The values of community writing

history, but its historical roots are generally identified with the new social movements of the late 1970s (feminism, direct-action community politics, non-labour movement forms of socialism) and their new sites of political interventionmovements but there were significant differences. Here it is most relevant to note the extent to which feminism was able to develop a commercial base tor feminist initiatives in writing and publishing. Commercial publicationFederation of Community Writers and Publishers. Debates about the organisation's identity, in relation to feminism and socialism, have been contentious in the past. Though not of direct concern here, the inclusion of feminism alerts
Soundings soundings issue 12 summer 1999

Old fogeys and angry young men

parenting deficit between women and men is symptomatic of its wilful resistance to the insights of feminismhere is that communitarianism, so far as it has been popularised in this country, 2. Susan Bordo, 'Feminism, Postmodernism and Gender-Scepticism', in Femiwsm/Postmodemism, Linda J. Nicholson (ed), Routledge, London 1990. 3. Geoff Mulgan, 'Beyondproblem of marauding masculinities; it is mothers. Driven by 'A re-alignment in marxism and feminism they are purging families of politics, the detachment fathers. This eccentric text has enjoyed widespread of reformers from
Soundings soundings issue 1 Autumn 1995

Sartre: Generosity And Debt

consolidated as an inseparable part of the acquisition of knowledge (and Davies stresses the contribution of feminism during the 1970s to this methodological position). In the 1980s, anthropologists from the former colonies are now writingsymptomatic nature of the poststructuralist attempt to incorporate 'the feminine' and neutralize the political thrust of feminism. 1 0 From the feminist side too has come the critique of the scientific rationality that privileges scienceIthaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1985) and cogently and persuasively by Rosi Braidotti in her thesis on feminism and philosophy (forthcoming from Polity Press under the title Patterns of Dissonance). For an example
New Formations Number 8 Summer 1989

Naming The Armenian Genocide: The Quest For 'Truth' And A Search For Possibilities

Turks, who he says had no interest in education. If we take Kumari Jayawardena's Feminism and Nationalism in the Third World as one text with other interests, we find a different set of exclusionsquestion of 'nation and recognizing it as a catachresis returns as well. Jayawardena's account of feminism in Turkey depends on the western model of 'nationhood',20 as do the documentaries and my 'revolutionary' historynarrative. New York Times, 22 September 1988, Al. New York Times, 23 September 1988, A12. K. Jayawardena, Feminism and Nationalism in the Third World (London and New York: Zed Books, 1986), 32-3. ibid
New Formations Number 8 Summer 1989

The Values of Community Writing

history, but its historical roots are generally identified with the new social movements of the late 1970s (feminism, direct-action community politics, non-labour movement forms of socialism) and their new sites of political interventionmovements but there were significant differences. Here it is most relevant to note the extent to which feminism was able to develop a commercial base tor feminist initiatives in writing and publishing. Commercial publicationFederation of Community Writers and Publishers. Debates about the organisation's identity, in relation to feminism and socialism, have been contentious in the past. Though not of direct concern here, the inclusion of feminism alerts
Soundings Issue 12, Summer 1999

Old Fogeys and Angry Young Men: A critique of communitarianism

parenting deficit between women and men is symptomatic of its wilful resistance to the insights of feminismhere is that communitarianism, so far as it has been popularised in this country, 2. Susan Bordo, 'Feminism, Postmodernism and Gender-Scepticism', in Femiwsm/Postmodemism, Linda J. Nicholson (ed), Routledge, London 1990. 3. Geoff Mulgan, 'Beyondproblem of marauding masculinities; it is mothers. Driven by 'A re-alignment in marxism and feminism they are purging families of politics, the detachment fathers. This eccentric text has enjoyed widespread of reformers from
Soundings Issue 1, Autumn 1995

The End Of The Rainbow

campaign often demonstrates a lack of concern for the indigenous people's rights. In the case of feminism, the reduction of complexity of feminism to a singular 'women's movement', and the categorisation of thismovement as naturally 'progressive', can serve to limit the development of feminist debate. The differences within feminism on the issue of pornography and censorship exemplify the fragmented and complex nature of feminist positions. Some womenanti-censorship side, are trying to show is not that there is only one true feminism, but that an apparently 'progressive' strategy pursued by well-intentioned feminists can actually have an authoritarian effect. We argue
Marxism Today February 1991

Brave New World

include the cultural revolutions of the 1960s; '1968' itself, with its strong sense of politics as 'theatre'; feminism's slogan that 'the personal is political'; psychoanalysis, with its rediscovery of the unconscious roots of subjectivityincreased 'moral coercion' exercised by the state; 'modernism'; what he calls 'super-city' and 'super-country'; feminism, masculinism and 'the question of sex'. Who, on the Left, now has the confidence to address the problemsLeft, we know about the reproduction of labour power. But what do we really know - outside of feminism - about ideological, cultural, sexual reproduction? One of the characteristics of this area of 'reproduction' is that
Marxism Today October 1988

Skirts And Flirts

class in society', selecting the most attractive tenets of feminism to get on, get ahead, and achieve success with a great deal more style and panache than the average man. Not only thatimage could become just another cosy branch of the women's market. At least New Woman acknowledges feminism as a starting point; though its message, less crudely defined and immediate than the PFW, couldhype. A superficial media construction, the PFW is nothing new, and little to do with feminism. Joan Crawford and Bette Davis performed 32
Marxism Today August 1988

Golden Delicious

celebrating. Brenda Polan peers behind the bookshelf to mark the scale of the achievement in delivering feminism into mainstream publishing The first definition of a word in any dictionary is the current one. After thatlate 60s, politics which were essentially socialist. It became apparent in the early 70s that feminism needed an arena of its own; the institutions of socialism were just as patriarchal, limiting and oppressive as thosecapitalism. Feminism had to develop its own analysis of history and economics, its own sociology, its own ideology and politics. It needed its own literature and since, while the mainstream publishers might take a flyer
Marxism Today July 1988

Family French Lessons interview with Marilyn French

years since The Women's Room was published. Women who shied away from the word feminism read it and their lives were transformed. Can you say, now, why it had such a powerful effectthink the entire born again movement, the renewal of patriarchal religion which is a backlash against feminism, is frightening. But I'm not so worried about women. The religious revival and the political contentlife. In the ten years since The Women's Room has been published, how do you think feminism has changed in the States?
Marxism Today November 1987

The Role of Women's Therapy

world, our notions about entitlement and so on. Although feminist theory said that you couldn't have feminism in one mind and body any more than you could have socialism in one country, we struggledburied or destroy? What have we to learn about the psychological meaning of these disputes? What feminism has allowed for is the recognition of how important women's relationships with one another are. In workingpatriarchy. And where we learned these most intently was within a female to female relationship. What feminism has had to face, what each woman engaged in these struggles has had
Marxism Today August 1986


How men change—Theory II Feminism is based on the shared experience that women have of male oppression. This does not mean thatbiological determinism, and as such it does not leave any scope for political change. The superiority of feminism is the superiority of an ideology and practice, it is not and never can be a biologicaltheir own relationships under the microscope of consciousness raising. As a defence of your own feminism the men/man you live with must be ‘special’ or different. This has allowed many men to say that while
Red Rag Volume 14

Whole Volume AMEN Patriarchy and Feminist Politics EVA EBERHART, KERRY HAMILTON AND SHEILA McKECHNIE

How men change—Theory II Feminism is based on the shared experience that women have of male oppression. This does not mean thatbiological determinism, and as such it does not leave any scope for political change. The superiority of feminism is the superiority of an ideology and practice, it is not and never can be a biologicaltheir own relationships under the microscope of consciousness raising. As a defence of your own feminism the men/man you live with must be ‘special’ or different. This has allowed many men to say that while
Red Rag Volume 14

WAR AND PEACE Rape and Women’s Politics

AND REVOLUTIONARY FEMINISM.............. Over the last eighteen months revolutionary feminist groups and individuals have written a lot on women’s oppressionstrategy of the Women’s Liberation Movement. They have defined themselves in strong opposition to Socialist Feminism and have used the theoretical concepts they’ve evolved to question the basis of most of the campaigningbeginning of the movement (usually im­ plicitly). To isolate and discuss the contentious bits of revolu­ tionary feminism is difficult because there’s no unified position (no-one claims there is) and its logic
Red Rag Volume 14

INTO THE SHADOWS Review of the Main Enemy

second, a debate with a ‘socialist feminist’, clarifies the difference between Delphy’s brand of radical feminism and what she takes to be socialist feminism. Delphy makes no secret of her adherence to ‘Marxist principleswith the question of the materiality of ideology for a long time now; that indeed it was feminism which provided one of the initial challenges to economism and tried and still tries to understandobject and simply filling those categories with a new content. The challenge provided by socialist feminism to traditional left political theory and practice is a great deal more radical than anything Delphy has to offer
Red Rag Volume 14

Letters Notices

which people interpret the Communist Party and our own relationships both to the CP and to feminism. Sue suggests that CP feminists engage in feminism one way and class struggle in another. One past memberonce accused us of flopping into feminism almost as light relief from ‘heavy’ class struggle and the imagined monolithica of life in the CP. That seems to be built on the notion that feminismbecause we are feminists. We are also Communists, and the synthesis of those is our politics. Feminism and Communism are not two distinct and discrete spheres annexed to each other in our politics. This
Red Rag Volume 12

Berlin International Women�s Year

Absent feminism I, and others in the British delegation, welcomed and applauded the denunciations. The problem was that it leftEqual Pay Act. In a Congress about women where the concept that was most conspicuously absent was feminism, those of us who regarded ourselves as feminists seemed not to have a definition of it that29 also to illuminate and develop our own understanding of feminism, and its relation to class and national liberation struggles. It seemed to me that the most obvious
Red Rag Volume 10