365 results for feminism
MAKING WAVES - roundtable discussion
that having money to produce glossy leaflets, being able to do a razzmatazz campaign, is somehow marketing feminism in an obnoxious way. I don't agree with this because it is the only…questions more strategically. Marie There has to be a lot of women's organisations outside municipal feminism because the money we have has got strings attached. We are limited, not totally, but other groups outside
Marxism Today July 1986
Party Music
about sexual politics (Kinnock refers to 'Billy Bragg and the boys') - were it to take feminism more seriously on the stage or in the foyer, the question of who or what was being represented might…come across as simply the Labour version of support for small businesses. The striking absence of feminism from Red Wedge rhetoric reflects, similarly, the problems of a populist cultural approach. It is certainly important
Marxism Today June 1986
REVIEWS: Things Ain't What They Used To Be
period of intense conflicts, a broadening of political understanding, setbacks and advances. The re-emergence of feminism, environmental campaigns, democratic initiatives at work and in the community helped to create important spaces in which people…section 'Moving Beyond Labourism with the Working Class' what we are offered is a perspective that parodies feminism, ignores the need to re-work alliances, and refuses to face up to the experiences of living
Marxism Today February 1986
interview she gave in Spare Rib1 didn't make much sense. Did she really mean to equate feminism with Christianity or did she just mean that a movement could be subver sive of the established…likely to be less than The Woman's Room. But this is truly a novel about feminism and in particular tire politics of personal relations. The novel is set in Oxford and London. Dolores
Red Rag Volume 14
Leninism in the Lurch
contributed to the split many of us who are socialists and feminists know. We sit with our feminism amidst all those intense and close debates on domestic labour and sexuality in small groups, then…sexuality in terms of economic and legal power, in sexual practise and in the hold over ideas. Feminism and the gay movement have opened up these areas of personal life as political. The struggle
Red Rag Volume 12
Feminists in the Factory
Margaret: I found my painful way into Feminism and the Lesneys group as a result of a ‘depressive breakdown’ which destroyed my usual ways of thinking…others were much angrier about male privilege at work and in marriage. Often this feminism came out in opposition to the union and its officials; because there was no closed shop, people could express discontent
Red Rag Volume 11
Where and how? Consolidating consciousness
countering the hearsay). It can no longer be claimed that the discussion and practice of feminism is limited to these small groups, for increasing numbers of women, perception of sexism has become feminist consciousness through…avoidance when witness to blatant sexism, say at work, in the shops or in the street, feminism engages us in struggle in place of complicity acting in solidarity with other women instead of paralytic empathy
Red Rag Volume 11
Four Sisters
constraints on our lives, yes, but also on the strengths which, discussed within the context of feminism and feminist feelings, our circumstances have given us. None of us has remained the same over the recent…CONTRADICTIONS Feminism throws a harsh light on the contradictions of marriage, the family as an institution, and monogamy. These
Red Rag Volume 11
formed the ‘Omani Women’s Union’, a pressure group for women’s self-development. How does the ‘feminism' of the men work out in practice? Let me situate that within my own experience…situa tion very different from the Middle East where there is an atmosphere of‘moral terror’ against feminism. In Dhofar this moral terror is applied to male chauvinism. One of the 25 political lessons
Red Rag Volume 9
Women in Chile
vein, I would imagine, and certainly very firmly in the face of any such possibility of rebellious feminism in Latin America, that in 1912 with the backing of the church, the League of Chilean Ladies…Psychoanalysis and Feminism by Juliet Mitchell, published by Allen Lane is the fruit of four years research and work
Red Rag Volume 7
Moving on
tended as a representation of the whole American movement. The radicalised sections of American feminism are so fragment ed, geographically and politically, that no single document could reflect the diversity of practice and debate. However…were operating on different assumptions, different ex pectations, and different levels of commitment. Some women had made Feminism the basic commitment in their lives and assumed others in the group had made the same commitment
Red Rag Volume 5
Micheline Victor
Fuzzy Feminism THE paper, ‘Women, the unions and work-or what is not to be done,’ seems to me important because of the kinds of discussion it has provoked, rather than because…feminism in this paper. Who are we black mailing? The men or the capitalists? And even
Red Rag Volume 2
CROSSING THE PICKET LINE Interview with Finetime Fontayne
didn't have any political thoughts in my head at all. Certainly, I got to know about feminism through being with them. I didn't like it: I was struggling like a trout because…take over the spot and put matters straight! And this was when you were still learning about feminism? Yes. That's happened quite a lot in the things that I've done. Learning while working
Marxism Today June 1985
KEEPING THE REVOLUTION WARM - interview with Terry Eagleton
difficult with the changes in political climate. Those possibilities of radicalisation have really been taken over by feminism. But the connections have remained in the sense that Oxford women students…middle class backgrounds, whose introduction to radical ideas has been through feminism, or feminist criticism, might then go on, for example, to join the miners' pickets at the local Didcot power station. So one sees
Marxism Today February 1985
No Private Drama
- the nature of working class leadership, alliances, new social movements and feminism - and was heavily influenced by Gramsci's ideas. After 1978 the emphasis shifted once more…combatting anti-Sovietism and supporting the movements built around - them like peace initiatives by socialist countries to feminism, black people's organisations criticise them on such issues as the inva- and so on. It sees
Marxism Today February 1985
that some action was to be taken to intervene in such images. In fact, as far as feminism is concerned, the bill is way off beam. Violence against women is not mentioned, while the 'problem…very firmly placing control over the body, sex, and health in those professional hands from which feminism has tried to wrench it. Not all videos are so-called entertainment. Increasingly video has been used
Marxism Today June 1984
The New (Liberal) Left - interview with Michael Meadowcroft
bureaucracy as to be absolutely ferocious in its detail and its impingement on people's lives. Has feminism had much impact on the Liberal Party?…everybody into the lobby against Cruise, for whatever same when I read about feminism and socialism; I am reason
Marxism Today February 1984
kind of You can't keep saying 'this is disgraceful, it Marxism Today, The Fast Food Review, feminism is not about feminism, it's about should be stopped'. And I don't believe in simply
Marxism Today October 1983
Keeping Women in their Place
Books in Russian and in translation; general books, but specialising in Political sciences, Peace, Feminism, E. F. L. Foreign language,…specialty. • The Odd Volume, 53 Upper Gloucester Road, Brighton (27845). New & second-hand books on politics, history, feminism, third world, philosophy & literature. Open MonSat 9.30-5.30. Regular lists issued of s-hand & out-of-print
Marxism Today July 1983
The Unions: caught on the ebb tide
sort might potentially provide a new vanguard for city trade unionism though much hinges on an insurgent feminism. It is pleasingly ironic that a male dominated trade union movement might be partially dependent on feminism
Marxism Today September 1982
Writers and War
general way if war is associated, as it is, with macho, then the rise and rise of feminism is an extraordinarily encouraging sign for what it insists on saying about the way we must look…Kilburn High Rd, NW6. Tel 01-328 7071. A new general bookshop with in-depth coverage of feminism, literature, Irish studies and Black studies. • Mandarin 22 Netting Hill Gate
Marxism Today July 1982
But Is It Art?
they might have come across in their training. Tracy Emin's stated enjoyment of 'doing' Marxism and feminism at art college is touched with irony. Her tent owes more to the 'girls just wanna have
Marxism Today Nov / Dec 1998 Special
Essential Collection
newly monogamous sex lives. 6 Club 18-30's 'Beaver Espana' Joining the backlash against monogamy and feminism, it appealed to the new lads of the Loaded and Viz culture. 7 Tango's 'Slap
Marxism Today Nov / Dec 1998 Special
Reviews: Sex Symbols
which are the barriers to sexual progress. Straight men on the Left may give passive support to feminism or to lesbian and gay struggles, but there is no sign that they are initiating a debate
Marxism Today September 1985
Reviews: Mailer's pen is bigger than the Norm
Goldwyn; stood for New York mayor; was a militant on America's war with Vietnam; espoused feminism; got involved heavily in democratic politics in the 60s; took up prisoners' rights
Marxism Today September 1985