
Example searches: feminism black power stuart hall
Example searches: feminism black power stuart hall

675 results for black power

After the Masses

things ignored in the more 'fatal' versions of new times is the binding power of the new transnational media systems: the power they have to move people not just to buy into networks that offerquoted' snatches of speech from dead black leaders) into a version of black history and struggle in the New World - from slavery to civil rights to black power and the buppies - which may otherwise have
Marxism Today January 1989

Rattle's Rhythm MUSIC

homeboys called Public Enemy. In the true spirit of cultural dichotomy, they represented extreme ends of contemporary black music. Cool J was the sexual athlete. He'd been arrested in Georgia a few months beforeLondon, for simulating the sex act on stage. And Public Enemy were the exhumed body of black power, a chapter of new wave rappers reared on Malcolm X. The stories of stolen VW signs
Marxism Today January 1988

Tarzan And The Jungle Bunnies: Class, Race And Sex In Popular Culture

imaginary place of black origins associated with the colonial past - it is the contemporary inner city as constructed in moral panics where white youths find themselves positioned alongside their black peers as 'animals and savagesthese lads' culture. 4 What happens, then, when the two terms are put together? If a black boy is called a jungle bunny by one of these young racists, he may choose to ignoresexuality and social combination in a way which epitomized, for these lads, the very threat of black power. This was a physical prowess they secretly envied, even idealized, though in the jokes and stories they
New Formations Number 5 Summer 1988

Environmental Images and Imaginary Landscapes

s an accomplished photographer, and as a founder member of the Black Environmental Network (BEN), Ingrid Pollard has produced a body of work which encourages a reconsideration of certainessay, the belief that population needs urgently to be controlled. 1. The Black Environmental Network (BEN) was formed in order to encourage black people's participation in activities and debates about environmental issuesurban (black) ghettos, and the deterioration of the Californian wilderness. These fears grew in the context of the demands for equality expressed by the civil rights movement and emergent Black Power activists, and what
Soundings Issue 1, Autumn 1995

Placing Television

communication that empowers publics and disempowers authority. Indeed the rise of feminism, the civil rights movement, black power, and other movements of the 1960s is traceable to the impact of television, which incited its first
New Formations Number 4 Spring 1988


work of a black athletic protest movement first proposed by the black political satirist Dick Gregory before the 1960 Olympics. He argued that the Olympics exploited black Americans who were allowed to temporarily emerge fromJose State College basketball coach, culminated on the victory rostrum in the clenched-fist black power salutes of Tommie Smith (who held 11 world sprint records), Lee Evans (who with the Cuban Juantorena was among
Marxism Today June 1980


SPECIAL OFFER CHE GUEVARA’S BOLIVIAN DIARIES The Black Dwarf Autumn 68 Special issue. Price 10 p plus postage 21/2р (reduced fromPublications WOMENS LIBERATION, Black Power. Labour History, Marxism, AfroAmerican History, Colonial Revolution, etc. Catalogues from Pathfinder Press, 28 Poland St, London W1V 3DB. INDEPENDENT INCOME at home
7 Days Wednesday March 22, 1972 No 21


Publications W OMENS L IB E R A T IO N , Black Power, Labour History, Marxism, A froAmerican History, Colonial Revolution, etc. Catalogues from Pathfinder Press, 28 Poland St, London
7 Days Wednesday March 15, 1972 No 20


American establishment did think and feel just like Patterson —and that’s why he became their first black Great White hope. But Ali lounged at home, as they threatened him with the draft, occasionally makingNegro, now in rebellion and personified in the boxing world by Ali, back into his “ place” . The black hope on the contrary, was to see Lazarus crushed, to see Uncle Tom defeated, to be givenscription 60p. Inkululeko Publications, 39 Goodge Street, London W .1. WOMENS LIB ER A TIO N , Black Power, Labour History, Marxism, AfroAmerican History, Colonial Revolution, etc. Catalogues from Pathfinder Press, 28 Poland St, London
7 Days Wednesday March 8, 1972 No 19


scription 60p. Inkululeko Publications, 39 Goodge Street, London W.1. WOMENS LIB ER A TIO N , Black Power, Labour History, Marxism, AfroAmerican History, Colonial Revolution, etc. Catalogues from Pathfinder Press, 28 Poland St, London
7 Days Wednesday March 1, 1972 No 18


WOMENS L IB E R A TIO N , Black Power, Labour History, Marxism, AfroAmerican History, Colonial Revolution, etc. Catalogues from Pathfinder Press, 28 Poland St, London
7 Days Wednesday February 23, 1972 No 17


handbook fo r survival and self-develo pment — now available through WH Smith. WOMANS LIBERATION, Black Power, Labour History, Marxism, AfroAmerican History, Colonial Revolution, etc. Catalogues from Pathfinder Press 28 Poland St. London
7 Days Wednesday 5 January 1972 No 10


accompaniment very much in the style of his Freewheeling album. His voice has also regained the clear power of that period. On side two he sings the song again, this time an extended version withWomans Liberation, Black Power, Labour H istory, Marxism, A fro-A m ercian H istory, Colonial Revolu­ tion, etc. Catalogues
7 Days Wednesday 15 December, 1971 Vol 1, No 8,


condition bought by D. Levin, 13 Grape Street, London WC2. 01-240 2376. Women's Liberation, Black Power, Labour History, Marxism, Afro-American History, Colonial Revolution etc. Catalogues from PATH
7 Days Wednesday 1 December, 1971 Vo 1, No 6


state of emergency to crush a growing black power movement led by the National Joint Action Committee. Their spokesman, Geddes Granger, had called
7 Days Wednesday 24 November 1971 & DAYS Vol 1, No 5

Special Feature

minute station) Open: M onday-Friday - 9.30-6.00 or by post. (Listfree) Classified Advertisements Womans Liberation, Black Power, Labour History, Marxism, Afro-Amercian History, Colonial Revolu­ tion, etc. Catalogues from Pathfinder Press, 28 Poland
7 Days 10 November 1971, Vol 1, No 3

Special feature:

books from all over the world, covering Marxism, Women’s Liberation, Ireland, Revolutionary movements abroad, Black Power, Philosophy, History, Sociology, Literature and Art. And there’s a wide selection of foreign newspapers, some not available
7 Days Wednesday 27 October 1971 Vol. 1, No. 1

And What Did We Find?

this is a contribution made by the women from the brixton black women’s group to the rally “women all over the world in struggle for liberation”, held at conway hall on international women’s day, march 8th 1978. As britain began to feel an economic decline, black people became more and more of a ‘problem’ the acts became increasingly restrictive and repressive and black women faced particular violation of their home and privacy.
Red Rag Volume 13

Violence Against Women: male power in action

Whilst women are sure to confront it, this is an issue which should concern all people, and the degree to which men are prepared to become allies of women in the struggle against violence, harassment and the fear of violence which act as social controls, will be indicative of the degree to which men are prepared to take women seriously. single women whilst women in relationships with men are subject to domestic violence, or the threat of it, women on their own are not free from the fear of violence.
Marxism Today August 1981

Politics, Race and US Penal Strategies

In the national drug control strategy, published in september 1989 as a blue print for bush's drug war, william bennett, the national 'drug czar', provided a suitable example of the way in which politicians have organised and targeted rising social concerns over crime and drugs in order to build a more coercive moral unity and legitimise increased 165 soundings carceral control.3 according to bennett, 'the intensifying drug-related chaos' may be predominantly attributed to crack: 'our most intense and immediate problem is inner-city crack use'; this 'is spreading like a plague'(pp3-5). anti-drug discourses: the inner-city and crack cocaine if the black underclass ideology dehumanised inner-city blacks and pointed to them as the cause of many social evils, anti-drug discourses took the censure of inner164 politics, race and us penal strategies city blacks a step further, actively mobilising and legitimising political action against them.
Soundings soundings issue 2 Spring 1996

Politics, Race and US Penal Strategies

In the national drug control strategy, published in september 1989 as a blue print for bush's drug war, william bennett, the national 'drug czar', provided a suitable example of the way in which politicians have organised and targeted rising social concerns over crime and drugs in order to build a more coercive moral unity and legitimise increased 165 soundings carceral control.3 according to bennett, 'the intensifying drug-related chaos' may be predominantly attributed to crack: 'our most intense and immediate problem is inner-city crack use'; this 'is spreading like a plague'(pp3-5). anti-drug discourses: the inner-city and crack cocaine if the black underclass ideology dehumanised inner-city blacks and pointed to them as the cause of many social evils, anti-drug discourses took the censure of inner164 politics, race and us penal strategies city blacks a step further, actively mobilising and legitimising political action against them.
Soundings Issue 2, Spring 1996

Thinking with music

In a similar vein the search for politics continues in hemment's suggestion that 'the ecstatic dance is not in itself political, but it is a micropolitical event - an intervention in the formation of desire'.2 finally, hesmondhalgh warns against a too easy confirmation of the democratic potential of dance music on the grounds of these same features of authorless music, imagined and produced largely outside the corporate cultures of the big music companies.3 this is misleading, he argues, because it overlooks how dance music producers also get sucked into the star mythology of name djs and the attraction of a record deal with a major company. 'it is not unusual for producers like grooverider and 4hero to make a piece of music in the daytime and play it 'out' at a club in the evening'.4 4. 62 c. melville, 'new forms and metal headz; jungle, black music and breakbeat culture', unpub ma dissertation goldsmiths college, london 1997- thinking with music morrisey by rankin how this kind of activity will work out in the post-welfare society remains to be seen.
Soundings Soundings Issue 9 Summer 1998

Thinking with Music

In a similar vein the search for politics continues in hemment's suggestion that 'the ecstatic dance is not in itself political, but it is a micropolitical event - an intervention in the formation of desire'.2 finally, hesmondhalgh warns against a too easy confirmation of the democratic potential of dance music on the grounds of these same features of authorless music, imagined and produced largely outside the corporate cultures of the big music companies.3 this is misleading, he argues, because it overlooks how dance music producers also get sucked into the star mythology of name djs and the attraction of a record deal with a major company. 'it is not unusual for producers like grooverider and 4hero to make a piece of music in the daytime and play it 'out' at a club in the evening'.4 4. 62 c. melville, 'new forms and metal headz; jungle, black music and breakbeat culture', unpub ma dissertation goldsmiths college, london 1997- thinking with music morrisey by rankin how this kind of activity will work out in the post-welfare society remains to be seen.
Soundings Issue 9, Summer 1997

Home News:

london prompting but by tuesday october 19 it had become clear that the original prompting had come from london: the irish times were told by dutch police on monday that the “original inspiration” had come from the special branch in london; moreover while on the saturday the dutch police said they had “good reason to believe these arms were destined for the ira” by monday dutch police chief major erik gerritsen stated that special branch envoy winslow had failed to convince him that there was any connection with the ira. Home news 7 days 27 october 1971 camera press after ten days of lies a nd planted stories 7 d a y s exposes the fraud of the amsterdam arm s haul it is now clear that the dramatic “dis­ covery” of 116 crates of czech arms at amsterdam airport on october 16 was a hoax, set up by the foreign office and the special branch to whip up an anti-ira scare and add some substance to their faltering campaign against the 105 russian “spies”.
7 Days Wednesday 27 October 1971 Vol. 1, No. 1

Flight From Jo'burg

south africa's new era flight from jo'burg i international pressure has bowed south africa's once-powerful economy. tncs ended new investment to the third world (including south africa) in the late 1970s.
Marxism Today March 1990