
Example searches: feminism black power stuart hall
Example searches: feminism black power stuart hall

361 results for feminism

Facing Up To The Future

more flexible state services. Its social conservatism tried to muffle a range of social upheavals from feminism to punk, which were irrepressible. Society and the state seemed adrift, rudderless. Thatcherism took charge with its authoritarian
Marxism Today September 1988


hegemonic strategy. The critique of male patriarchal power which led to the birth of modern feminism was rooted in this cultural politics. It was an
Marxism Today May 1988

Perfect Lifestyle, Ideal Home

which are already at work on the ground. Changing class relations, the cultural impact of recession and feminism, the youth markets, and the 'new man' - this is what is up for grabs in campaigns. Marketers
Marxism Today March 1988

Thatcher's Lessons

think socialism anew from the perspective of some of the major themes of the agenda of feminism and sexual politics. (Is anybody in Walworth Road ready for that?) And it is startingly new (allowing
Marxism Today March 1988

When The Hardline Is Right

economic domestic agenda: the commitment to social movements like anti-racism, gay rights, green politics and feminism which it has taken so much effort and argument to insert into Labour's programme. The reason
Marxism Today February 1988

Defence of the Faith?

socialist movement that we need to build. It has always been a principle of socialist feminism to listen to the variety of voices, not just those that shout loudest. I was taken aback
Marxism Today January 1988

Reaganism For Ever?

have been modest - poor enforcement of civil rights law, but no profound changes in it; hostility to feminism, but few legal changes the terms of discussion have shifted in favour of the Right. Reagan
Marxism Today January 1988

Dear Mum

reader. In fact I'd begun to get the drift of all that stuff about feminism and psychoanalysis. Julia Kristeva is probably right: Aled Jones is undoubtedly a displaced Oedipal fantasy figure who allows
Marxism Today December 1987

Heroes And Lovers

heroine. It is not an innocent movie. In the second decade of the second wave of feminism, the latter's objectives are too much in the culture of the West to say that any movie
Marxism Today November 1987

A Party In Search Of Power - interview with Bryan Gould

lesbians and their civil rights? How far do you feel in touch with movements such as feminism?
Marxism Today June 1987

Carmen's Modern Message

male authority and pays the ultimate price. Carmen is thus one of a number of operas which feminism has forced us to rethink. Instead of the Spanish holiday postcard of gypsies and toreadors, it comes
Marxism Today May 1987

Parent Power At The Chalkface

popular vocabulary as something to be challenged. (Indeed it is one of the great successes of feminism that equal opportunities and the end of oldfashioned sexism have become familiar 26
Marxism Today May 1987

Oh Superman!

of The Encyclopaedia of Feminism has since accorded him for his ability to formulate independent female figures: not many comic writers
Marxism Today April 1987

Labour's Pain, Alliance Pleasure

forces; if the voices of trade unionism, of blacks and gays and feminism etc, can be heard to speak for shared political beliefs; no more, for shared political advancement, the less
Marxism Today April 1987

The New Nostalgia

socialist programme which embraces, but does not extinguish, the new social and political forces clustering round feminism, the black movements, the changing cities and the movements variously daubed 'green'. Even the most fervent modernist acknowledges
Marxism Today March 1987

Charge Of The Light Brigade

that kind of work as important. Labour didn't create black consciousness, the gay movement, feminism or peace politics, but now it borrows their work. These movements have changed some of the political agenda
Marxism Today February 1987

The Community Of Women

special issue of the International Journal of the Sociology of Law (Nov 1986) dealing with feminism and the law
Marxism Today January 1987

No Light at the End of the Tunnel

society unchallenged. As contemporary cultural attitudes among young people increasingly move, in the aftermath of feminism, sexual politics and the cultural coming-of-age of young urban blacks, in one direction, and the public morality
Marxism Today December 1986

The Mop vs The Pen

their powerlessness, through the pages of Union Street. At the same time she is critical of a feminism which sentimentalises such female support networks, often quickly withdrawn if an attempt to break out and escape
Marxism Today November 1986

Sweet Inspirations

house and the motivat¬ ing force behind some of the most public statements that popular feminism has made in the 80s. Dionne Warwick and Cissy Houston have been at the forefront of several sistersing projects
Marxism Today November 1986

The Party Is Over

centre bookshops which could mar¬ ket and sell books on the new social issues of the time: feminism, ecology and nuc¬ lear power, political action outside the traditional par¬ ties. In publishing, there were
Marxism Today November 1986

Roses Are Red

couldn't see one in the place.' So, lipsticked glamour takes over as the face of feminism and style sells socialism? The triumph of the typeface and layout artist has ensured that form and presentation
Marxism Today November 1986


what she wants us to know of herself. De Beauvoir is also an intensely ambivalent figure for feminism, and like the moth to the flame, we are continually attracted back to the ambivalences she represents
Marxism Today June 1986


political and philosophical theory which will outlive its service to the shorter-term ends of feminism. Simone de Beauvoir's volumes of autobiography present another kind of challenge. As others have noted, the four volumes
Marxism Today June 1986


fundamental issue. The information society is just another stage of capitalist development. New issues, such as feminism and ecology, they say, express at best real social demands but they must be integrated into working class
Marxism Today May 1986